
Does anyone know anything firsthand about alphabiotics?

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4 months ago, a guy who practices alphabiotics did an alignment on my neck. Since then my neck is totally messed up. Quite often I feel a grinding sensation when I turn my head, it's difficult to sleep, and my neck and back crack unexpectedly. I have looked around a little online (one site described it as a cult!), but does anyone have any firsthand experience? I'm starting physiotherapy tomorrow, which is going to cost me hundreds of dollars...




  1. I don't have firsthand experience but recall my brother studying something comparable when he was going to chiropractic school.  It seemed crazy to me the stuff I read.  I just read about a practitioner who was sued because of his practice in alphabiotics r/t his chiropractic license.  I did find this blurb you might find interesting:

    The Alphabiotic Process, though accomplished by hand, is totally different from a chiropractic adjustment. The Alphabioticists hand placements are on the head, not on the neck. It is not a manipulation or adjustment procedure designed to reposition spinal vertebrae. Vertebral adjusting, to an Alphabioticist, is a violent invasion of the body's natural defense mechanisms. To compare a chiropractic adjustment to the Alphabiotic Process is ridiculous. It is never given to heal any disease or medical condition. The intent, purpose, and reason for the Alphabiotic process is as different from a chiropractic adjustment, or a medical manipulation, as night and day, in and out, black and white, up and down, good and bad.

    So, seems to me this practitioner who worked on you should've never adjusted you under the pretense of performing alphabiotics.  If you are having problems and are having to pay additional money out of pocket because of your neck you may want to 1. Report him to his board, 2.  See an attorney to help get your care paid for since it sounds like he practiced fraudulently?

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