
Does anyone know anything know about the duck race in Wickam next weekend??

by  |  earlier

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I was driving back from Porstmouth yesterday andwent through Wickham, saw a banner advertising a duck race, sounds fun biut it gave no more details, can anyone enlighten me....where, when, do i need my own duck (assuming a rubber one not a real one!!) etc etc




  1. The duck race is being organised by the 1st Wickham scout group to raise funds for the new building they need. the race starts at 12 noon  on Sunday 15th June at wickham water meadows, 1000 plastic ducks will race down wickham waters with a prize for the first 3 to the finishing line. this will be followed by a raft race, yes if you want to build a raft then your welcome to but to enter the race your entry must be in by 12 noon, to be judged before racing on the water meadows and entrance to the race is £2.50.

  2. I was after this info too, thank you... but where is wickham water meadow please anyone?

  3. Soz, don't know, try...

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