
Does anyone know approx how much a scrap metal yard would give for a washer/dryer?

by  |  earlier

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We have a washer and dryer being replaced. The HD will haul it away for free but I was told that a scrap metal yard will pay between 50 and 75 dollars for each one. We have the means to bring it ourselves, I just wonder if it would be worth it depending on the money they give you in return.




  1. yup,

    10 bucks here

    if you are replacing but they still work you might give them to goodwill or salvation army or need line.

  2. these materials fall under white goods and range from 37 to 70 dollars per ton.

  3. this is just light steel scrap , maybe $ 4.00 a hundred pounds if you are lucky  

  4. in my area we get around 10 dollars a piece

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