
Does anyone know - are there many insects/bugs in Mexico?

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Does anyone know - are there many insects/bugs in Mexico?




  1. What part of Mexico?

    Mexico City (No)

    Monterrey (No)

    Guadalajara (No)

    Puerto Vallarta (Yes)

    Acapulco (Some)

    Merida (Yes)

    Tapachula (Yes)

    Tlalnepantla (No)

    Pachuca (Some)

    La Paz (some)

    Uruapan (yes)

    Zacatecas (No)

    Where, Where are you talking about Mexico is a huge country.

    If your on the Coast, Pacific, Gulf, or Caribbean there will be bugs.

  2. In the resort towns no.

  3. Bugs meaning insects are by the far the most numerous, diverse group in nature and you'll find lots and lots of them ALL OVER the world. As for Mexico, yes there any other place. As for being a pest, like mosquitoes,  depending on the area and the season.

  4. In Mexico City not really. The altitude and rather cold weather conditions keep most plagues away (you do get mosquitos every now and then though). You do have to watch out for white scorpions (though I've never seen one myself yet), they can kill you. I have seen brown scorpions which aren't mortal.

    The south of the country have all sorts of nasty little critters you'd expect from a humid climate. There's the kissing chinche which passes a parasite that causes Chagas and in the tropical beaces you will find large and rather nasty looking black mosquitoes, the kind that you'd expect to get dengue from.

    There's also these sort of worm like critter that can get into your ears if you sleep on a tepetate bed if you ive in certain humid climates. It's not unheard of that regional doctors have to treat people who have roaches stuck inside of their ears.

  5. It completely depends where in Mexico you are visiting. Where the air is dry, there are less bugs. Where it is humid, there are more. If you live anywhere in the midwest, insects are way worse than any place in Mexico, besides Chiapas. In central Mexico, such as Queretaro and Mexico City, insects are very scarce.

  6. That's kind of like asking are they bugs in the United States. Mexico is a huge with many regions. There are deserts and mountains and beaches, places where it snows and places where it's hot all the time.

    At the Pacific beach resorts you're likely to encounter mosquitos and no-see-ums that can drive you crazy. In Oaxaca, I've seen big black waterbugs that looked like dinosaurs. Some places have fire ants or scorpions. Other places may have no insects to speak of at all.

    If you could be more specific about where in Mexico you're talking about, maybe we could help you out.

  7. Yep tropical is a place for bugs, but urban areas are not infested with bugs,  so  just buy some repelent and don´t worry is not like annoying invasion of bugs ok.

  8. Just like anywhere in the world, if it's green, humid and hot... absolutely. But really, bugs are pretty much everywhere anywhere in the world. True there may not be that many in Mexico City, but if you lie down in the grass of Chapultepec, something (most likely harmless) will probably bite you.

    So I would suggest that you keep in mind the green/hot/humid rule, wherever you go. The hotter, the more bugs, but there are always places where you can be perfectly safe. So unless you're planning to trek across the Chiapaneca jungle, I think you'll be okay with bug repellent and a bit of common sense.

    Try narrowing down your question for a more specific response.

  9. Absolutely... anywhere you have warm weather and water your going to have bugs. Desert  arid areas are famous for scorpions. Warm humid areas have spiders and roaches. Im just naming worse case scenarios, bugs can be anywhere. I was bitten by a black widow spider in the town of Puebla.

    Be cautious , if your an outdoors person wear repellant and tap your shoes to dislodge critters before you put them on.

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