
Does anyone know at what age you can begin adopting?

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My name is Mel and I'm 17. I want very much to have the oppertunity to love a child. I know that I would be an exceptional mother seeing as I've praticually raised my 3 younger siblings. Now I'd like my own child, without the getting intimate with a guy. So if anyone has answers please answer.

Thank You,





  1. Melanie, you are so young! Give yourself time to grow in to a young woman! In the meantime, do your homework.  Most states require that you be 25 years old to adopt.  By that time, you may possibly have fallen in love with a man, and may be thinking of starting a family at that time. With that said, take the time between now and then to read up on adoption, you have a ton to learn.  It's an emotional rollercoaster with many peaks and valleys along the way. It is not simple, it is stressful, and you need to be patient, and give up control.  Go to your local library and check out books about adoption, or buy them at your local bookstore, you have a lot to learn, but it is a valuable lesson, and so rewarding.

  2. Most adoption agencies require a couple be married five years and a single person be twenty-eight and have a career well established for at least five years.  Others require the perosn own a home and have access to medical insurance.  

    Each agency and each state has different requirements, I think you will have many years to wait, no matter where you live.  Keep in mind most adoptions cost well over ten to twenty thousand dollars.

  3. it depends on the state. my guess would be at least 18. you also have to keep in mind that it helps your chances if you are married. you also have to have your own place and be financially stable. there are many home visits etc.

  4. its 18 in most tho because i want to do the same.and im only17 and dont have a job since we cant adopt yet i suggest getting a job or 2 and start saving your money and be looking for the adoption agency you want to go through.If you want to chat you can email me at i can find just about anything you want on the net.

  5. Its 21 in most or all states, but some agencies and countries reguire you to be older.  Start out by being a Big Sister and volunteering or working at daycares, or youth groups. take some classes in child care and other related classes.  Get lots of experience and get an education to get a good job. This will all make it easier at 21 to adopt.

  6. Thats a good question. I would assume 18, if not 21. And stable, responsible, and mature. (With a JOB)

  7. I think that you would have a very difficult time adopting at your age, regardless of the law.  Most agencies would not deal with you, and as a single young girl, you would not be placed high on a list.  My advice (and I know this isn't what you want to hear) is to get your life together, finish college, get a good job, get married, and at that point, start looking into adoption.  Good luck!

  8. 18 years of age when they will first allow you to start adopting where I am from.  That being said, you also have to be financially stable and emotionally mature.

  9. You need to be a legal adult, with 25 and up being the norm.

    But what else could you do with those wonderful feelings you have?

    Be a "Big Sister"!    BigSisters/BigBrothers is a great program that matches a volunteer and then trains them.  You will be matched with an age of child you feel comfortable with, and then meet them.  If they and their parent approves, you are able to be with them every week.  You can pick your "Little" up and go to the park, shop, teach them to skate, read, hang out at your home, go to their school performances, etc.!  There is such a need for this!  And it gives people a chance to practice mothering skills, or fathering skills, or sister/brother skills without being a parent!  It is about a relationship.  Look into it!

  10. In my state it is 19, however it is different in every state.

    Also, many birth mothers won't choose a single young person to adopt their child. You would probably also have a hard time passing a homestudy without a steady income and stable home for yourself.

    You may want to look into fostering or artificial insemination when you're a bit older and much more settled..

  11. Hi Mel,

    Well, it sounds to me like you'll make a fantastic Mom one day, but unfortunately 17 is legally too young.  Also, you probably have a lot more to do with your life as well as having children, so why not wait a few years before looking into adoption?  l agree with Joslin, have a look at some of the other things you could be doing with your skills and experience with children, and remember that it will all stand you in good stead when you have children of your own.  By the way, 25 is usually the legal minimum age limit for both domestic and international adoptions.  l know this is probably disapointing for you, but plan for your future, and see how many other children you can help in the meantime.  l wish you all the best, good luck with your future, and may God bless you with a child when the time is right.

  12. I know for sure you can adopt at 19, maybe 18. But, you have to prove a stable environment and a good source of income.

  13. Do you want to do this now or in the future?  If now, you need to have a stable income and your own place to live; an acceptable place for a child.  Not to mention adoption itself is very expensive.  I doubt you will be able to adopt for a long long time.  You aren't even a legal adult yet.

  14. Wait. Your too young to adopt and most wont let you with out a husband. You are so young and need a chance to do the things you want before you get a baby of your own. I know what you mean about wanting to love a baby I did too,. But, once you get there its not all its cracked up to be and then you find out you can do nothing that doesnt involve that child. Now dont get me wrong I love my son but, it takes getting used to. I think adoption is amazing and everyone should do it but, you need to wait and do it at the right time.

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