
Does anyone know books that give teens tips on how to save money?

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I want a book that will help me save money on the average teenage expenses Thank You Very Much!!




  1. Here's your first tip!

    Don't waste your money on a book & save that money!

    Seriously though, I have lots of tips on saving money.  Eat at home & don't buy sodas, bottled water or snacks & that will save you a lot.  If you smoke, then give it up.  Set goals for savings.  For example, either save a percentage of your money that you get or set a goal of saving X amount from every check & make it happen.  If you have things that you need to save up to buy then print or cut out pictures to remind you what it is you're saving for.

    Also, budget your money & pay what needs to be paid before buying even a stick of gum.  Oh yeah & don't shop for entertainment; don't even enter a store without a list of what you intend to buy & then stick to the list.  If you are tempted to impulse buy, resist.  Write the item on your list of things to buy later & before the next time, think again & maybe you won't still want it.  Also, don't go to the store for only one or two items, buy what you need in advance & store it.

  2. I don't know of a book ,but do a search and you'll find info on many websites.

  3. Poor Dad, Rich Dad. Don't know the author sorry.

  4. 1: Never BUY a book on how to save money. It´s a trick to make you SPEND your $$ ;)

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