
Does anyone know computer or computer program that makes it easier for the blind use internet? ?

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Does anyone know computer or computer program that makes it easier for the blind use internet? ?




  1. You might want to ask various blindness organizations about computers and computer programs for people with blindness. They should be able to give you helpful advice.  

  2. Dragon Naturally Speaking, perhaps?

  3. JAWS is by freedom siencetific is a scream reader program that used key camands to get around. WindowEyes is a similar program developed by human where. but be worned there expensive but if you contact the local chapter of the division for the blind they will pay for it for you.  

  4. Blind people generally use computers with the help of screen-reader software, but those products can cost more than $1,000, so they're not exactly common on public PCs at libraries or Internet cafes. Now a free new Web-based program for the blind aims to improve the situation.

    It's called WebAnywhere, and it was developed by a computer science graduate student at the University of Washington.

  5. This is situation where there is money out there to help you adapt a computer to your own specific use. Various state commissions for the Blind have monies to help you get what you need to be productive in your use of a computer.

    New MacIntosh's have built in screen readers and other software needed by people who are blind.

    What you need depends on if you read Braille or not. If you do JAWS, Duxbury, and a Braille embosser are what is most frequently needed.

    If you do not use Braille and need things enlarged to a very large size there are a variety of different software programs out there - and you might want a very large computer monitor screen.

    There are experts in vision loss and computers that can help you get set up and help you find the money to pay for it.

  6. Jaws  

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