
Does anyone know facts about the breed 'lionhead' rabbit

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Does anyone know facts about the breed 'lionhead' rabbit




  1. Lionheads were first imported into the US by Texas rabbit breeder Bob Whitman.  They are small breed weighing less than 3.75 lbs.  

    Their are maneless, single mane and double mane Lionheads.

    They have not been accepted into the American Rabbit Breeders Association as a recognized breed at this time.

    They are also miscategorized here as they are not rodent but lagomorphs.

  2. Lionhead Lops (Lionlops) are a lop rabbit, with a mane around their head/neck and ears. The fur is not as thick as the straight eared Lionhead, and is only around the head, and does tend to thin out further as the rabbit grows and undergoes the moult. Again, these breeds are low maintenance, apart from a metal comb through once a week/fortnight to keep stray shavings and tangles at bay. They are very laid back rabbits, have excellent temperaments and do make wonderful house rabbits and companions also. They love attention and  love to be picked up, cuddled and handled. They are also very easy to house train. Lionhead Lops are slightly larger than Lionlops. They are a relatively new breed to the Uk therefore the size/weight does depend a lot on the parentage/pedigree.

  3. Came from England

    New breed

    Can be crossed bred with Netherland Dwarfs

    There are Single Mane and Double Mane

    posed on tip toes

    Go here for more info:

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