
Does anyone know/have experience about adoption?

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I want to adopt a child either here (UK) or abroad.

I kinda know where to start here (UK) but does anyone know what to do/how to go about adoption abroad? Cambodia? Anywhere else?

If anyone has any experience or knowledge in this area I would be grateful for any advice.

Thanks and happy Christmas




  1. The British Association of Adoption and Fostering has lots of information:

    Happy Christmas to you too

  2. Please consider taking in a child that's already in the foster system.  So many of them are waiting for a loving home.

    That's all I have to say (no real experience in the "how to's")

  3. Whether you adopt from the UK or abroad you need to contact your local agency, usually your councils social services.

    If you adopt from the UK it doesn't cost you anything, however if you adopt overseas you will have to pay for your home studies etc.

    The process takes approximately 8 months from beginning your prep course to becoming approved.  

    Once you are approved you will either be matched with a child/children by your social worker, or you begin your search for a child from overseas, which will incurr more fees, running into tens of thousands of pounds.

    Please consider adopting a child/children from the UK rather than overseas.  There are many children in the care system who are looking for forever homes.

  4. I know how to adopt from Kazakhstan.  If you're at all interested in that there are some Yahoo groups you can join.  A good one if you're single is SingleKazMoms.  I would do some research and try to find what countries have strong programs for adoption and are not going through extensive changes right now.  Some countries close and open their adoption programs.  As far as I know Kazakhstan is not looking at closing.

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