
Does anyone know how I can bring recycling to my college town?

by  |  earlier

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I live in a town in Louisiana that is an hour away from two metropolitans, one north one south. Though this is a small town, we also have a lot of people because we have a college here. This is a great town that would be able to recycle products other than just cans, such as plastics and glass and maybe even tires. Currently we have no recycling center here or anything, just trash pick up. Does anyone know of any companies or anything that I could contact and plead my case to? thanks




  1. Many trash companies offer recycling opportunities.  Call your trash company.  See what they have to offer.

    My trash company recycles my trash for me.  I don't have to separate anything.

  2. Suggest it to the Dean.

  3. A good place to start is to check to see if there is a group in your area. Just type in your city and state on the home page.  If there is not a group in your area, you should get one organized. The leaders of this grassroots organization will help. Notify the Dean, faculty and student groups of your goals and progress. Be sure to get others involved to make your campus aware of this effort. Maybe you could write an article identifying Free Cycle, how it works, what it does and how it would benefit your community. Find out if you can make an announcement in your school newspaper or post flyers in the commons areas.

    Waste Management Industries is a major sponsor and contributor to the Free Cycle organization. Use this link to navigate their website and to locate any available services in your area: There is a contact email within the link, also.

    Go ahead --- start a movement -- get others involved and make a difference. Maybe it will inspire others and create an awareness that will continue on past those campus walls.

  4. First your town would probably have to all agree on it and then you need to contact one of the recycling centers but i am not so sure they would want to do it.

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