
Does anyone know how I can find a sponsor for my rugby club?

by  |  earlier

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I am looking to start a new rugby club in NYC. It seems like there should be a lot of potential sponsors but no one seems interested.




  1. find a bar with a sense of humor.

  2. Try some sort of Irish or Scottish or British club. They love rugby!

  3. Dude, I was gonna say Bundy Rum but you don't live in Aust. Hmm...go to a bar or Coca Cola might Sponsor you or some thing like those phone companies or local businesses, anything like that, they love IT



  4. Call your local businesses and ask them for help. Make up some type of posterboard sign with all your sponsors names on it so they can have some publicity. And make up flyers with their names on it and put it on all the cars parked at local grocery stores and other stores around town. If they are going to benefit from something, then maybe they will be more willing to help out.

  5. You need to put together a letter stating your intent, listing the players and stating you need a sponsor.  Then you would send it out to businesses, especially those large enough to have a p.r. department requesting a meeting to discuss it further.

  6. In 1996, when rugby went professional, there was a player for the club that had influence in a company.  This company then sponsored the club, and I beleive are still sponsoring today, even though I did not go to a game this year.

    Basically, the idea is:

    1 Get players who are going to play for your team.

    2 Ask the companies these players are working for to sponsor, in a small way. You may have a couple of small sponsors, perhaps one that is willing to put in more money.

    3 Now that you have a side, or at least players, if you have a plan for your side, including:

    3.1 The team is going to play at this ground / field / stadium;

    3.2 The players for the team are;

    3.3 The team is playing in this competition.  Include info about the competition so the potential sponsors can see what it is, and if they will benefit from it;

    3.4 The side will have <number> of grades, ie 1 grade, 2 grades if enough people, etc;

    3.5 An approximate figure of the amount of people who will come and watch the game.  Possibly backed up by statistics from other cities and compared to your city, etc;

    3.6 How many games will be played in the competition, the more games, the more coverage, and the more money will to invest;

    3.7 Any radio and/or tv coverage, as this will also expand the market;

    3.8 Anything else you can think of to promote the side, competition as a good market to invest in.

    4 Local businesses could benefit from a small sponsorship of the club, as the competition will be local.  Use this to help persuade the businesses.

    5 Larger companies may be harder to get, until your side becomes a bit better known, but you can at least try.  Explain things like;

    5.1 The local market will get a more positive look on the business, as it is seen investing in locals;

    5.2 The competition may get more interest from other businesses and tv, thereby increasing the products market;

    Concluding, the more information you can supply about your team, the competition the team is playing in, you runs the competition, etc, the more potential for a company/business to look at sponsorship.  It also shows that you serious about your team and competition.

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