
Does anyone know how I can use RSS feeds to notify me when a specific company appears in a news article.?

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I am using for an RRS reader. When I subscribe to the BBC News RSS I get every news article they publish. I just want to be notified when a news article appears on specific company names.




  1. I'd suggest using Google Alerts. You give it your email address and you enter the key words or phrases you want it to watch/scan the entire internet for... it will email you according to your settings (as they appear, or daily, etc) whenever they find your search. I've got my name in quotes set up in Google Alert so I can watch for publicity on myself on the world wide web. It's a great tool! I highly recommend it. It may not be an RSS feed, but I think it'll get you the info you want.

  2. Ego searches are free and simple searches designed to monitor blogs and news portals for mentions of your company, product, competitors or other specific keywords. Conducting ego searches not only allows you to stay informed, but also allows you to maintain a strategic advantage over competing companies. A number of new Internet services are freely available that make these 'ego searches' painless and easy.

    Dynamically created keyword based RSS feeds, update in your RSS reader or news aggregators, each time new information containing the keyword appears in the searched resources. The dynamic feeds match requests against new information, as it comes online in real time. The following free services allow for RSS feed ego searches.

    More on Ego Searches -

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