
Does anyone know how I might go about having a pool table donated to the nursing home I work at?

by  |  earlier

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The residents at the assisted living facility have asked me to please try and track down a used pool table at either an extremely low cost, or maybe even one to be donated. These sweet elderly people have very little money left over after their rent is due, and I am only allowed $50 a month for my activities budget to keep them occupied. I'm running out of creative ideas here and would love to know how I might go about tracking a used pool table down in nashville, TN? I am guessing that I just need to call around to maybe bars, or country clubs and such. I have a feeling that I'm never going to find one to be donated because they are so very expensive. If only I were crafty enough to MAKE a pool could never figure out how to do that..ha. I would greatly appreciate any advice on the matter :)




  1. Join the network in your area and ask for one.  You don't have to give a "sob story" about the need, but a hint that it is for needy seniors may nudge someone to donate one they no longer use.  Good luck!

  2. Call some local amusement co s that rent them they may donate one also bars my husband donated one  and they love it

    might even try goodwill they get everything else

  3. go to pool halls

  4. Mamas telling on me again

    Hello dear

  5. You could always ask the employees to pool some money together(or possibly hold a fundraiser to cover most of the cost) over a few months and buy a decent used one by looking on eBay or in your local classifieds, as for donating many businesses will donate for recognition of their name and products, but being a nursing home where you don't get a large percentage of people(well at least in business people per view ratios) getting your hopes up on a donation from them is a long stretch.  I can find some decent tables for around 500-900 depending on what size they are looking for (7,8, or 9 footers)...however if i may offer some input on getting the right type of table...make sure it comes with Italian slate as particle board and Chinese slate are sure to let you know you just wasted your money....good luck

  6. Actually business usually love to give things away they can get credit for. Its all in the presentation. First look up in the local yellow pages for pool table equipment places sometimes slightly damaged returns are available cheap (or a little good will free). Good will in business is get a positive vibe from the community. Another way is to write a few manufacters with your story and its possible to get it for the price of ship (also usually slightly damaged but refurbished).

    Lastly, try the local billards places and see if any one is about to replace a table and see if you can get them to donate it. Also the local small town newspaper or if you have "Pennysaver" which is a mailer that people sell things cheap in.

    I think it would be a great addition. My friend was an activites director for a nursing home... have you tried asking one of your volunteer groups like church/synagogue etc if they'd help you fund raise for it?

    Good luck.

  7. is a good place to start.  So are bars and pool halls that might be replacing tables.  I'll bet you can find someone willing to donate them because they're such a hassle to get rid of if you don't want them.

    The biggest problem you're going to have is moving the thing (they weigh a ton) and setting it up correctly.  This is really a job best left to professonals and it could easily run a couple of hundred dollars.

  8. You should consider ping pong...It's not as difficult, more engaging, and very fun.  Also, supplies are much less expensive...Ping pong rules!

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