
Does anyone know how a young British citizen would go about moving to America?

by  |  earlier

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I am 18 and live in Scotland but want to move to America probably NewYork, L.A, Boston or other majour citys. Has anyone here done it or know if there are organisations that can help?




  1. You cannot move to the US for any longer than 3 months without getting a Visa. You could either go for 3 months..come back and then return...but that is neither practical or probably legal in some way (they'd probably pick up on it).

    There are few ways to attaining a visa..either a work Visa or you can marry a US citizen. Work Visa's are very hard to get, usually only major companies will give them out to their 'big-shot' workers or somewhere near that.

    You can still try, by moving over there for 3 months and see what jobs you can find and hope that whoever offers you a job will give you the Visa with it...but just to let you know it isn't an easy thing to get. I wouldn't keep your hopes up too high.

  2. Traveling to america or anywhere. Well this website may help.

  3. I've been looking into it and yes getting a work visa is difficult, the way i've seen some people do it is to work at an american camp though ccusa or camp america and go to one which has an outdoor education programme and see if they are willing to keep you on..

    Marrying a US citizen doesn't guarentee you the right to live in the States, they are getting hot on this.

    The other way is to pay to enter the green card lottery, its not a free one for UK citizens.

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