
Does anyone know how do i find my birth parents? all i have is my birth father's name and birth mother's name

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Does anyone know how do i find my birth parents? all i have is my birth father's name and birth mother's name




  1. Try a find a person on Use the zipcode of the hospital you were born in and any place in a 10-20 mile radus. Get a phone card and call around. (Most people never move out of their hometowns) You can ask the adoption agency for a clue. You can post an ad in the newspaper in the area of your birthplace to see if anyone knows them. But be upfront and honest in your ad, they may not want to be contacted/ have contact.

    Good luck on your quest.

  2. Do you know what adoption agency was involved?  You could try there.

  3. This sounds lame, but I would really try facebook.  Search a few of their relatives, if you know any.

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