
Does anyone know how hard it is to bring prescription drugs into San Diego from Tijuana?

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I'm not talking about Valium or other controlled substances, just prescription medications




  1. I do this all the time, as long as you dont have any outstanding warrants and the best way is to walk across the border dont drive. its very easy and limited risk

  2. I dont think its a big deal if you have a prescription, but if you don't its considered drug smuggling and a federal crime

  3. It's not hard at all, although you should take some precautions. Bring the actual prescription, don't stash them away in case you get sent to secondary inspection, don't get nervous, and don't volunteer any information other than declaring fruits, meats, and vegetables. Not having a proper prescription and displaying awkward behavior will make you look suspicious and they will confiscate your meds. Don't tell them you bought meds either, it's not illegal to buy them or take them over the border unless you buy them in bulk (10-20 packages). Also don't cross on foot on the weekends, there is a huge line of people from TJ going over to SD to buy stuff.

  4. No problem unless you are planning to bring back large quantities. Personal use only.

  5. personal use is ok

    if you buy in large quantities, not ok.

    just tell the crossing guard you bought some prescription drugs with a note from your doctor...people do this all the time to save money.

    some people go north to Canada for the same a matter of fact, they actually have a day trip bus over there to take old folks to buy their prescriptions.

    you can also ask a border patrol officer before you buy to see if you will have problems bringing back your medicine

  6. LOL. I wouldn't do that if I were you. I guess it couldn't hurt to ask the Boarder Police but I'm guessing your answer will be a firm "no." Drug stores are eeeevveerywhere in Tijuana. Just be aware of what your drug is supposed to look like, I am sure they sell fakes at some stores.

  7. If you are white (if you are Mexican  good luck amigo), just put em in your pockets and walk across late at night with the other drunks.   When they ask you if you are bringing anything back with you say: "Oh, I hope not"

    Go with a bunch of friends and have a few beers before you walk back. You will be way less suspicious that way.

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