
Does anyone know how i can fall asleep and stay that way through the night?

by  |  earlier

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I think i have chronic insomnia. actually im pretty sure. I havent slept in days even though im exhausted. I dont have medical coverage for a doctor or medications.

If anyone has any suggestions,....PLEASE HELP.

The only thing left that i can think of is either getting drunk and passing out or taking massive amounts of night time medicine to sleep.




  1. I take melatonin.  found at any pharmacy or walmart vitamin section.  I take mine about 9 pm and usually am ready to sleep at 10 or so.  No tv at night,  no caffeine in the days either.

  2. Well, you don't want to O.D. on sleeping pills, that's for sure. And I had the same problem when I was pregnant. And it was even worse for me because I couldn't drink to pass out.

    So, if I were you I would do one of two things:

    1. Spend the money, and go to a doctor

    2. Go to a health clinic {they will charge less than a doctor} and find out.

    Good Luck and God Bless!  

  3. im not sure what to tell you.

    but i would see a doctor.

  4. My suggestion is to try Nikken Sleep system. It is much better than using drugs and it also improves quality of sleep. The system is not very expensive and can be tried out from any serious Nikken independent distributor.

    This system has solved lot of problems and was recognized by the World Federation of Chiropractic (WFC) as the best sleep system.

  5. Making the most of your sleep:

    Sometimes even when you make time for sleep, you may find that you have difficulty falling asleep. Here are some tips to help you get into a healthy sleep cycle.

    1.Get on a schedule. Try to go to sleep at the same time every night (even the on the weekends.) It takes your body 3-7 days of a regular schedule to reset its internal clock. If you are constantly changing that schedule, your body has to constantly readjust and you’ll have difficulty falling asleep and waking up. If you struggle with falling asleep, get up at the same time in the morning, no matter when you fell asleep. This will help your body to be ready to wind down that night.

    2.Wind down. Most people need some time after a busy day to wind down before they fall asleep. Give yourself an hour in the evening to do a quiet activity before you go to sleep.

    3.Use your bed for sleep. You want your body to know that when you lay down at night it is time for sleep. The way to train your body is to avoid doing other activities in bed, such as reading, watching TV or talking on the phone.

    4.Exercise. Working out can reduce stress and also improve the quality of your sleep. Avoid working out within 2 hours of your bedtime.

    5.Naps. If you don’t get enough sleep at night, consider taking a nap. This can help you make up for a sleep deficit. If you anticipate a night with too little sleep, research suggests that taking a nap beforehand will minimize the negative effects. Note: if you are struggling with insomnia, avoid naps because they can make it more difficult to sleep at night.

    Sleep disorders and sleep deprivation are very common problems and there are quite a few websites devoted to these concerns. You might want to go online to take a self-report sleep disorder inventory or to find more information. A good site to start with is the National Sleep Foundation or click on "sleep disorders" at for an online sleep inventory. If you find that you wake up early in the morning and can’t get back to sleep, your sleeping troubles may actually be an indication that you are depressed. There is a depression inventory available online that can help you assess your mood  

  6. you dont even have to get drunk, but every time i have a glass of red wine or two i sleep like a baby =]

  7. Well the easy way of course is to just take some some sleeping medicine. But you could also try to look farther and see if there is anything that is keeping you awake. Maybe when you were a kid there was always some sort of noise when you were trying to go to sleep. If that's the case then you should buy a sound machine.

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