
Does anyone know how i can get a hotel room when i and homeless with no money?

by  |  earlier

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I am homeless and dealing with social services and they will not help me out by getting me something to stay in. I need some place to sleep at.




  1. Find a local church. I did this once to talk to the pastor and he had me sit in the service. He then announced there is a sister here that has a need! I had to get up in front of the whole congregation and tell them my sitution. I was so embarrased I could have passed out. I did get some money for a hotel room!

  2. I would go to one of the shelters, social services knows where they are....I live in  Calif. there are many shelters. Don't know where you are from, but there should be places you can go....I'm sorry for you....take care.

  3. try a hostelor a shelter you are on the nternet now so just look up shelters and hostel for your location

  4. Many churches will lend you a hand, once.

  5. Social Services should provide you with a list of services in your area.  That list will have the name, address, & telephone number of local food banks & emergency overnight shelters.  Ask to speak to a supervisor if the worker won't provide you with this list.  Also check with the local Salvation Army, Good Will, or seek out another homeless person & ask them where you can get free food & a place to crash...they know where the shelters are & what corner passes out the free lunches to the street people.  There should be EMERGENCY AID & if all else fails, walk into a Police Department & ask them for help to find a safe place off the streets.  Believe it or not, the Police WILL help you because they don't want to see you become a victim of violent crime out there in the streets at night.  They can get you into a shelter when no one else can.  I have done this myself, so I know it works!  Be safe & if you have to, ride the bus all night if you don't want to do anything else I have suggested.

  6. I've worked in social services before so i understand how you feel. Try going to some of the local churches or look for the Salvation Army to help you. There is more help out there than you know, you just have to keep asking. Even if you get doors slammed in your face or people tell you no, DONT GIVE UP! I live in Texas and are only familiar with local resources but every town has a church and the Salvation Army is everywhere, just keep asking!

  7. umm the homeless shelter  

    or the alley

  8. i do not know if they will give you a hotel room but they should be able to point you in the direction of a shelter, either from salvation army or a nearby church.

    I use to work with homeless people who suffered from addiction that live under a bridge and if they wanted to get clean our program put them through detox and put them in a rehab facility and then a transitional home while training them to be able to get a job when they are finished with the program.

    I do not know if you have issues with drugs or alcohol but if so look for programs that get you off with street with a place to stay like a rehab.

    if no substance abuse issues are present, then I would try to find a shelter or a church!

  9. Have you tried homeless shelters until you get help from social services? You could try the Catholic Church for help they might have something somewhere for you.

  10. sure, its called the shelter aka homeless hotel.

    Uh, duh people, libraries provide free internet access. Geez.

  11. i doubt that you will get a hotel room for free.

    try a shelter, look for local ones on the yellow pages on the Internet. or you can do what i did and live in a tent on a camp ground for awhile. i worked off the camp fees on a daily basis and the camp ground owners even paid me enough to eat on until i got back on my feet. note that it was a privet campground that i stayed at. oh and the showers were a plus.

    good luck to you. you can contact me by email if you like.

  12. Tell the losers at the social services to find you a job then you can actually afford a place to call home.

  13. You need to find a shelter.  It's not the ritz, but that is what they are there for.

  14. How do you have internet access??!

  15. I cannot answer about a hotel room; except to agree with a Church or social socials.

    I do know the public library has Internet access at no charge.

  16. you can stay with me, if you want to

  17. where are you??? theirs plenty of hostels in the uk!!

  18. your local Church can help you. the ymca can help,the red cross can help too. ther are shelters that you can stay at to. don't give up i have been there too.

  19. you are on the internet, and yet, you are homeless?

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