
Does anyone know how i can get rid of a headache for 4 days and over the counter medicines don't help

by  |  earlier

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it started like a migraine which i thought i took excedrin migraine pills and it helps for a little bit but comes right back. so after on saturday i went to the hospital and they gave me a CT scan and couldn't find anything on it. but gave a migraine cocktail which helped me out a lot the sunday it felt like it was coming on again but didn't really hit and now monday it has hit and it want go away i have taken Excedins and i have taken sudafed and it isn't helping so if anyone can help me i would really appreciate it




  1. For migraines I put 2 regular asprins under my tounge and let them slowly dissolve...yes-it tastes awful- and then I drink a hot cup of strong coffee. I then lay down with a ice bag at the base of my neck in a dark room. Usually within an hour or two the pain is gone.

    Hope you feel better soon...headaches are so miserable. Especially long last ones.:(

  2. Definitely get a doctor to check this out.  CT's don't always show everything: I recently had a blood clot in my superior sagittal sinus (vein that drains blood from the brain), and it took two CT's and an MRI before they figured out what it was.

    Good luck...and get this looked at ASAP!

  3. Try BC Powder with a pepsi! You can get it anywhere and WOW Does it work!!!

  4. Your going to probably have to go back and talk to the doctor, if it keeps hurting you may insist on another ct scan. However only the doctor is going to be able to subscribe  a more powerful med. I'd reccomend drinking water and staying well hydrated and make sure you get electrolytes in your food and some of your drinks, but I don't know what's causing the headache.

    A lack of water will give a bad headache. Whenever I have a headache, if I don't stay hydrated, I will likely have that headache all the next day. But I've never allowed myself not to hydrate when I've had a headache, and tylenol works for me every time, so I can't say I can help a lot, but I do know only a doctor can prescribe more powerful meds.

  5. go see your MD  a headache should not last that long and a migraine needs medical attention to rule out any other symptoms

  6. You probably are avoiding this, but you should consult a doctor. That's one of the best options.

  7. motrin apparently works well for h/aches, the md i work with suggests it. Also there is a theory that if you take a bath in warm water the heat will reduce your inter cranial pressure. It works somtimes for me.

  8. plz try this tablet its called syndol get it at the chemist this is one tablet that really works its for migranes and tension headache. it makes the pain go in 5 minutes hope this helps

  9. Two liquid advils and a coke ( not the diet or zero), get the regular coke.  Get off of the computer and do not read.  Relax in a dark room.

  10. Try Head-On it really work well.

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