
Does anyone know how i can help my child settle in nursery?

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My daughter was 3 in April. She is a very, very clever girl for her age.

She has gone to playschool since the age of 2. She has always cried every morning but always settles after i leave.

I took her for a taster day at nursery and she was hysterical. I couldnt leave her she was that bad.

I dont understand as she was so excited about going.

She also cries hystericly when i have been taking her for dress fittings. (she's being a bridesmaid) Its like she wont let anyone near her if she doent know them.

Even when she goes to dance lessons she cries and wants me to go in with her. again she stops after 5mins.

She goes to her grandparents and mixes well with other children.

Im really worried about her going to nursery any advice on how to settle her would be great.

I feel drained with all the crying and clingyness.

Thank you all.




  1. well, tell the teacher at school what she is doing. my 3 nephews were all like that. when she realises how much fun she will be having she will forget what she was crying about. try not to make a big fuss about it when you leave her. and make sure she knows you will be coming back to get her.

  2. Have you tried reading story books to her? That sometimes helps. Also telling your experiences at nursery (if you didn't go then make them up! Just make sure they're positive). Tell her that she'll have lots of different toys to play with and it will be just like going to her grandparents for a while. Try to explain to her that mummy will be gone for a little while and will be back to get her soon. Another approach is to buy her a special toy that she could take to nursery with her (a soft toy or barbie doll or something similar). Good luck things :)

  3. Try to ask the teacher at the the school. Maybe she can give better advice since she is with children alot. You could also try talking to your daughter asking why she gets upset like that. And then try to help her that way.

    I hope I helped, tell me how things go!

  4. It is good she is wary of strangers, many kids at this age are.  I would just sit it out with her.  Stay in the nursury with her for a few days until she has a friend and knows her teacher.  as for being scared of strangers, talk to her.  Tell her it is good for her not to talk to strangers and okay to be scared, but if Mommy is there everything is okay and reassure her you won't let anything happen to her; if she is nervous stay close. Other than that don't give her lots of extra attention and she should become more comfortable with time.

  5. Does she HAVE to go??  

    I never took my kids to anything like that - and I homeschool.   They did the dance classes and loved it... they go to sunday school and love it... grandparents, etc...  but I never felt the need that they 'must' go to a daycare, nursery school or regular school in order to grow or be 'normal'.    

    Maybe something has happened along the line that makes her not feel safe and you just are not aware of it.  

    It could be a 'stage' she's in with the wedding thing - it can be overwhelming.

  6. First of all, by NO means just pull her out of the nursery! If you feel safe leaving her there then continue to do so. If you give in to that she will learn that she can get away with other things she doesnt want to do. My daughter had a hard time adjusting when i put her in at 2 years old and it broke my heart, but after a few weeks she was fine. Now she absolutely loves it. Talking to the teacher about it and getting ideas from them is a great idea. I did that and they really helped me to feel comfortable. Have the teacher introduce her to one of the really friendly children so that they can be buddies. Allow your daughter to bring something with her that helps her feel safe....maybe a laminated picture of the two of you or a small toy or stuffed animal.

  7. Try just giving her a kiss, and make a point of letting her know that she is a big girl now and you will come back to get her later.Don't look back and don't dote over her BUT, if this goes on for weeks, I feel that she is probably not yet ready  to leave Mum. Try again in about 6 months time. (Her behaviour has NOTHING to do with being spoilt) Good Luck

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