
Does anyone know how long it takes for a criminal waiver for the army?

by  |  earlier

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my husband is trying to goin the service and has 2 dui"s on his record,they are from a couple of years ago. he has to wait on a waiver to see if he is eligable does anyone know how long this will take?




  1. Not a lot of info to go on here really. . .but... the real answer is - it depends on how motivated your husband is and how motivated his recruiter is to put him in.  I would think he would be eligible with the waiver ( and I don't see that type of waiver would be that difficult to get) If he is otherwise qualified and the only thing holding him back is the DUI waiver, I would expect a yes or no answer within 2 weeks (after the waiver and all paperwork is submitted).  I don't believe it would unduly harm his future in the military provided that behavior doesn't continue while he is in.    

  2. I don't know how long a waiver takes, but i hope he doesn't plan on going far in the military.

    Lapses of judgment look horrible when being evaluated for promotions to senior positions and a DUI is the military equivalent of the scarlet letter.

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