
Does anyone know how long kittens need to be with mama cat? ?

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Does anyone know how long kittens need to be with mama cat? ?




  1. Not sooner than 8 weeks, 9-12 is ideal but most people are too impatient to wait that long.  Which is too bad, because those few weeks of extra time with mom can make a world of difference in the kitten's development.

  2. My cat was found in the rain so i don't know how long her mother kept her for. I am definitely sure that most cat breeds stay with their mother for 6-1/2 to 8 months. Some breeds like Persians, could stay up to 2 years. I am a veterinarian doctor. Trust me!!!

  3. I have heard 12 weeks.

  4. They should be with there mom for atleast 6 weeks but 8 weeks is better.  If you take them away before 6 weeks the kitten will not get the same nutrition that is in the mom's milk and will not live a healthy life.  

  5. An abandoned or orphaned kitten can survive at the skilled hands of a human at the time of its birth.  

    But the very best scenario for the kitten to thrive to be at its healthiest would be to have it nurse of its own mom for a solid 8 weeks.  This is providing that the mom is in a healthy state herself and well nourished with a high quality food and fresh water at all times. If she is not,  Then it is sometimes necessary to remove the kittens sooner for both of their benefits.

    At about 6 weeks, (all kittens are different)  you can begin to introduce a good kitten food to them.  I would provide both hard and soft.  The soft can be made that way by taking some of the hard pieces and letting them soak in some warm water.   Be careful the dish you provide for fresh water is shallow and the kittens can get in and out of it very easily.  Naturally it will become a mess quickly and need to be changed often.   They will still be nursing but slowly weaning themselves naturally to the foods you are now providing.  At this time they can have their own litter pan that is shallow enough to climb into and out of as well.  So, by the 8th week, they should be eating well on their own and only nursing because they like it and mom lets them.  It is now time for their first vaccine and a new home away from mom  :(

    Good Luck.  I hope I helped.

    Oh what fun you are going to have!!!   Take lots of pictures  :)  This is the best time of ALL....

  6. 6-8 weeks is the best.

  7. At least 8 weeks if you want to avoid behaviour problems.  Pedigree cats tend to stay with their mother for a little longer - approx 12-16 weeks - as they can be a bit more difficult behaviour-wise.

  8. 8 weeks is the new rule in most shelters, not sure if it is a law or not though. it used to be 6 weeks

  9. 6-8 weeks is preferable.

  10. 8 weeks so they can have enough time 2 play with the other kittens!  

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