
Does anyone know how long norway has been a constitutional monarchy and what they have been previously?

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Does anyone know how long norway has been a constitutional monarchy and what they have been previously?




  1. Norway has been a constitutional monarchy since June 1905.

    Norway entered into a  "personal union" with Sweden in 1814. It  is a relationship of two or more entities that are considered separate, sovereign states, which, through established law, share the same person as their respective head of state. Under this arrangement, Norway kept its liberal constitution and independent institutions (including its own military forces), except for the foreign service. Before that they were in a union with Denmark. There was a gap of over 500 years when Norway did not have their own king.

    Norway did not disestablish the union until  June 7, 1905 and re-establish their own separate monarchy.  The monarchy was a constitutional monarchy since this date. In addition,  Haakon VII would not accept the throne without a public referendum. So he is one of the few elected monarchs.

    There have been only three kings of Norway. Kingship has always passed from father to son.

    Haakon VII   November 18, 1905 – September 21, 1957

    Olav V        21 September 1957 – 17 January 1991

    Harald V      January 1991 - present


    Here is the medieval kings that had the previous numbers.

    HAAKON V was the last King of and independent Norway that was not a King of Sweden or Denmark. He died on May 8, 1319.

    HAAKON VI Magnusson (appr. 1340 – 1380), was King of Norway 1343-80 and co-king of Sweden 1362-64.

    Oluf IV Haakonsson (1370 - August 23, 1387) was king of Denmark as Oluf II (1376–1387) and king of Norway as OLAV IV (1380–1387).

    HARALD IV of Norway was King from  1130 – 1136

  2. Norway was in a personal union with Sweden until the early 19th century. They gained independence and had a referendum, with 80% of the population in support of a Constitutional Monarchy rather than a Republic. They then chose a Dane I believe to become King.

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