
Does anyone know how many children are waiting to be adopted from CPS currently?

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And will they allow a couple who already have two bio children to apply? I am an adoptee, and former foster child, so I have some understanding of what these kids go through, but does anyone have any idea on how many children are waiting, or other info? Thanks.




  1. In the US there are a little over 100,000 children in fostercare who are available for adoption. Many are either older children, part of a sibling group, and some have special needs.

    Having biological children already is fine, however, when reading profiles of waiting children it sometimes says "____ would do best as the youngest or only child", so you're definetly going to want to make sure the particullar child will do well in a home with siblings. Here are a few sites that may help

    Good luck!

  2. Just in my county where i live now there are already over 300 children looking for homes.  They don't care if you have children already, you just will be told to adopt below the age of your youngest biological child.    If there are over 300 in one county in Ohio you can just imagine how bad it is everywhere else.  If you have the room in your heart and home and can support another child and want to adopt then go for it.

  3. you can check the website

  4. Its amazing how many kids are stuck in the system with nobody to help them.  I was also adopted and past foster child.  I went through at least 8 homes before somebody adopted my brothers and I.  Yes they do allow you to adopt if you already have children. They evalute the family first.  I say Cheers to you b/c its a lot of them out there.  But once I finish school I also plan to adopt.

  5. Heres an informative chart on some foster child statistics only since 2003 though, it is from

  6. There's a lot! You can definately adopt even if you have biokids, but I think it's easier when the biokids are the oldest.

    I have a friend (adopted at an older age) who is growing up in a family with like... 6 brothers a sisters!! (This family is literally the brady bunch, two parents with three kids each got married!!) I think it's hard for him in some ways. But I could also see how it could feel really comforting to live in a home with a lot of people, if they are really loving and welcoming.

    (This kid is awesome, he has a disability in which he does everything with his feet. He is truly an amazing human being!!) The cool thing is, you already have experience that would make you a really comforting person to help a child whose gone through losing a family, along with whatever abuse/neglect they went through and all those confusing emotions.

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