
Does anyone know how many colors there are in the world?? lolz?

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Can anyone tell me how many colors there are in the world please name as many as you can!! thx




  1. An infinite amount but they all resonate from red blue and yellow.

  2. Uncounted numbers, vaster than the stars. Billions, billions.

    Red, orange,yellow, green blue, Indigo, Violet

    And then you get into lipstick colors

    and stuff like taupe, mushroom, eggplant, magenta, mauve and gris

    and fifteen varieties of eggshell

    warm greys and cold greys

    I have to stop, I'm falling in.

  3. Three    Red , Blue , Yellow .   These are the only true colors. White is not a color , it is the absence of color . Black is not a color , it's the absorption of all color .

    All other "colors" are shades of the three primary colors.

  4. I would really love to know that myself

  5. 16.8 million

  6. If there are only three colours, how come my computer can display 16.7m of them?

    Computers use Red Green and Blue on a scale of 0 - 255. 0 of everything = Black, 256 of everything = White. (256 x 256 x 256 = 16.7m)

    Could the average person distinguish between a colour with (say) Green = 250 and one with Green = 249. I wouldn't think so. But they are different. Now for arguments sake double the colour resolution and put each one a scale of 512 - now we've got 134m "colours", of which over 100m are in-between colours from the previous 256 depth system, which we couldn't distinguish anyway.

    On this basis there is an infinite number, we can just keep increasing the scale. I'm hazarding a guess that we could probably cope quite well with about 200 "colours" all in; all we're doing is just further subdividing the range between black (none) and white (all).

    At this level, colours are just called their RGB numbers: 0-0-0 through to 255-255-255.

  7. There are 3 primary colours; red, yellow and blue. Every other colour in the world is made from these 3.

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