
Does anyone know how many paracetamol u r allowed 2 take a day when ur pregnant?

by  |  earlier

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i have got a splittin sore head every day and i take at least 4 a day, is this ok 4 ma unborn baby?




  1. It depends on how far gone you are. If you are after the 12 weeks it is ok and you can take the normal amount. To be sure you should pop into your chemist - they will be able to tell you.

  2. Yeah, same as normal you are allowed, so I was told by my doc.

  3. if unsure ask ur GP, ppl here might not know and they may give u wrong info.

  4. if you dont like taking paracetamol you could try those cooling sticky sheets you apply to your forhead, CHECK THESE are ok during pregnancy, and obviously you can only do this at home without looking silly.

    or you could try that forehead roll on stuff there suposed to be all natural (i think) however i havent used this (have heard its good though)  CHECK as i am not sure if you can use it when your prgnant or not so you would have to read the box/bottle to check 1st, or ask a pharmasist

    hope this helped


  5. no you can only take about 2  

  6. hi im 26 weeks and when i had water infection few weeks ago my doc said that i could take up to 8 in 24 hours and that it was  safe to do so,id ask ue gp for urself  cause everybody gets told dif things x*x

  7. Prolonged use isn't a good idea at the best of times. Although it's OK to have paracetamol while your pregnant in the recommended dose according to the pack, you shouldn't use it for extended periods of time as this can cause liver damage. You should investigate the cause of your headaches with your doctor.

  8. I don't know what the allowance is for pregnant women as I don't ever take any medication since I've become pregnant. Best thing for me when I have a headache is to have a nice warm bath and then a nap. Cures my headache :)

  9. Takin paracetamol shud be the last choice during pregnancy.

    Take not more than 2. Also dont make it a habit.

  10. i was at the dentist yesterday and had major work on my teeth, it's 8 in 24 hours!

    I checked this out with my doctor, you should ring your doctors for advice.

  11. i suffer from head pain from an illness i have and have been told to take paracetamol for the pain (before i ws taking 3 different types) although i try to keep it to a definate minimum!

    if your having persistant head pain and it isnt easing for days on end you need to see your doctor as it may be a symptom to somthing else.

    good luck

  12. Well, I have been suffering from headaches, well migraines since they last four day's! So I know how you feel. i am only 12 weeks and have had to take paracetamol. My midwife said it's ok to take them as long as you don't take more than the recommended dose. I don't like taking them, but when you have three boy's already to look after as well as a house to keep tidy...what can you do? Talk to your midwife if you are taking them everyday..she will be able to best advise you. Hope you get rid of them doon, I posted about headaches the other day on here and someone said that she had them bad but they did go by the time she got a few weeks further on so hopefully we will be ok soon.X

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