
Does anyone know how many security guards are generally on board a cruise ship?

by Guest64439  |  earlier

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I'm writing a book and in it the main character goes on a cruise and I need to know how many security guards there would be in total on a large cruise ship (about 3000 passengers) - if anyone helps I'll mention you in my acknowledgements! Thanks




  1. I think that if you want an accurate answer; more like a close estimate since they are not likely to give you an exact number, you should contact a couple cruise lines.

    First of all, we/passengers do not see every security persons and since most are from the Philippines, Korea, the South Pacific islands, unless we look really closely and get names we will never know if the one we see at the scanner checking luggage is the same one we later see checking passenger ID's, or the one we see walking around ship.

    Those people who answered 100 are way out on a limb as far as I am concerned.  I have been on 15 or 16 cruises and have never seen more than about 10 or 12 at any given time checking passengers on and off the ship at the gangways.  Usually there are one or two on the pier, two or three at the carry-on luggage scanner, another 2 or 3 where you insert your cruise card to be photographed or checked in, and then maybe 1 or 2 more inspecting bags that need a second look.  The cruise ship check-in is very much like airport security, except there are rarely more than 2 lines open at once.

    Only the cruise lines will know how many security people are monitoring cameras on ship.  I have never, or rarely, seen security personnel walking the decks or halls after the ship leaves port.  Also, do you include the people who work security in the ships casino?  There may be 3 or 4 walking the floors in the casino and who knows how many behind the walls.  We also never know if there are, or how many, security personnel are on the bridge with and protecting the captain, and/or access to his quarters.

    There's some stuff to think about to maybe refine your question.

  2. I know on the Inspiration, thery were everywhere.

  3. It really depends on the size of the ship AND the cruise line of course. I worked on a small ship (300 pax) and there were a Security Manager and two full time security guards working. But they were assisted by staff from other departments as well. On the larger ships you have more staff. On another ship I worked on (2000 pax) they had six security guards plus the Security Manager.

    On some ships they have security cameras everywhere but on most ships they hang just in the casinos and on open decks and at the mooring decks/ stations to keep an eye on things happening there.

    I also worked on a couple of ships in China where they did not even have any security in place. Just a crew member sitting at the gangway but not really paying attention to who is coming onboard.

  4. Hi James,

    There are normally around 10 security guards on board  a ship of that size.

    Happy writing

  5. now now silly, security is for our safety so dont be a silly boy now,

  6. I dont think this is something you're going to get an answer to.

    Sorry, but with so many terrorist attacks and alerts, that even I view this as a suspicious question.  "Book" or no "book".....

  7. Well, i can tell you for a fact the companies wont tell you about their security manning onboard their ships.

    It depends on the cruise line and the expected level of trouble. I know that a certain cruise line that caters for the over 60-70's has a security team of about 10. yet the worst the have to deal with is walking a tipsy old man back to his cabin thats hes forgotten the location with.

    Compare that to Carnival - as an example - who have a much younger crowd, who drink to excess, who are on holiday and get a bit carried away etc - youll be looking at a security team of upto 40/50. if its a good security team that number will seem to be alot higher - that means they are doing their job and are 'being seen to be seeing you'

  8. there is ussually around 100ish.. but there are soo many camaras its ridiculous

  9. there are probably at least 10-20 (but it seems like everyone doubles as something else)

    the best way to find out would be to call Carnival or RC or NCL and ask them for an estimate.

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