
Does anyone know how many square kilometers has the Israel (country) on your foundation in 1948?

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It's UNO thrustable on your's Security Counsil resolutions?




  1. Israel claims to have more lands and its territory is not clearly defined.

  2. Oh Israel always babbling about it's "fake state"

    what is good about that tiny ziony "state" anyway?

  3. the answer you can get it from  Israels embassy in your capital

  4. The Arab neighbours did not recognise the State of Israel when it was declared, hence it is irrelevant that what was the size of the country at that time. Now Israel controls the territories which historically belong to the Jewish people, including the Golan, Judea and Samaria. Hence that is the size of the modern Jewish State. No Israeli government should compromise and give away territories to the Arabs. Those Arabs who claim to be Palestinians should live in the Palestinian State, called Jordan.

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