
Does anyone know how many time zones America has please??

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Does anyone know how many time zones America has please??




  1. Hi Flora!

    North America has at least nine.  From east to west:

    - St. Pierre Time and West Greenland Time, two hours ahead of New York time.  When it's 12 noon Eastern Daylight Time, it's 2 p.m. in St. Pierre and Godthaab.

    - Newfoundland Time, 1 1/2 hours ahead of New York.  When it's noon in New York, it's 1:30 p.m. in St. Johns.

    - Atlantic Time.  In June, when it's 12 noon in New York, it's 1 p.m. in Halifax.  It's 12 noon in San Juan because Puerto Rico does not observe Daylight Saving Time.  In Winter, when it's noon in New York, it's 1 p.m. in San Juan and Halifax.

    - Eastern Time.  Noon in New York.

    - Central Time.  Noon in New York is 11 a.m. in Chicago.  It's 10 a.m. in Regina because Saskatchewan does not observe Daylight Time.

    - Mountain Time.  It's 10 a.m. in Denver.  In Phoenix it's 9 a.m. because they don't do DST.  The same for Nogales, Mexico.

    - Pacific Time.  In Los Angeles, 9 a.m.

    - Alaska Time.  Anchorage is 8 a.m.  In Hawaii, it's 7 a.m. because they don't have Daylight Time.  In winter, Alaska and Hawaii are in the same time zone.

    - Aleutian Time.  There it's 7 a.m.  Midway Time is the same as Aleutian Time in winter, but in Midway during spring and summer it's 6 a.m. when it's noon in New York.


    If by America you include South America, let us not forget Fernando Norohna Time.  This small archipelago off the coast of Brazil is three hours ahead of New York in winter, just two hours in Northern summer.

    And a further footnote, East Greenland Time, including Scoresbysund, is four hours ahead of New York.  It all depends on where you locate the boundaries of America, I guess.

  2. Eight.

    Continental US

    -Eastern Time (ET)

    Major cities- Boston,Atlanta,Miami.

    -Central Time (CT)

    Major Cities-Dallas,Chicago.

    -Mountain Time (MT)

    Major City-Denver

    -Pacific Time (PT)

    Major Cities-Los Angeles,San Fransico,Seattle

    US Territories





    Theres also Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)

  3. 7








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