
Does anyone know how much NewPort Cigarettes cost in the state of Minnesota?

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  1. Lol Lames.

    I think it's like $4.25 now

    I smoke camel signature "frost" when i aint smoking cigars.

    so im not 100%

  2. Tobacco is a very dangerous drug. It is legal and widely used.

    Thousands of people die every year as a result of smoking cigarettes, cigars and pipes. The combined effects of nicotine, (the main drug in tobacco) and other gases which enter the lungs when smoked, greatly increases the chance of disease and ill-health. Tobacco is a stimulant drug giving smokers a 'lift'.

    Smoking has been directly linked to lung cancer, heart disease and other major illnesses, as well being dangerous during pregnancy for the mother and unborn child.

    It is also recognised that secondary smoking or passive smoking can put the health of others at risk. This is one of the reasons why smoking has been so widely banned in public places.

    One of every ten deaths around the world is caused by a smoking-related disease. There are over 4,000 chemicals in a single cigarette, some of which are highly poisonous. Examples include naphthalene, which is used in moth repellent; acetone, the main component of nail polish remover; butane, a constituent of lighter fluid; and formaldehyde, used in embalming.

  3. STOP SMOKING!!!!! it's a huge turnoff and u'll die.

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