
Does anyone know how much a helicopter ride is?

by  |  earlier

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I'm trying to do something really cute for my bf's birthday.. and i wanted to try to find out how much a helicopter flight/tour would be in somewhere near ohio.. if anyone knows anything, or can find a useful website, please help!.. thanks




  1. Helicopter rides (tours) cost about $200 an hour per person, here in HI.  If you can not find a tour company in your area, look up a helicopter school, they might be able to help you out.  If any thing tell them you want a intro flight, then he can try flying one, the price for these varies and cost up to 300+.

    Good luck. Enjoy.

  2. Sometimes they have helicopter rides available at state or county fairs, or amusment parks.  

    Usually (at least the ones I've seen) last about 10 to 15 minutes and cost 20 to 25 dollars (per person).

  3. $115 on Panama City Beach ,Florida

    And it's a girl pilot

    1 of only 80 in the whole U.S.

  4. probably 100 bucks or so depending where to

  5. I know they do helicopter rides at King's Island in Cincinnati.  I did it once and it was a lot of fun.  Of course, they are only open in the Summer.  The best place would be Las Vegas, going to the Grand Canyon.  If you want to stay in Ohio, try some local helicopter schools and ask them.  Good luck.

  6. Don't have a clue, Call the helicopter people.

  7. They run from $150.00 to 250.00 an hour...expensive but fun.  I took one in Sept 2003

  8. like 50bux-75bux per person and maybe for 2yrs just depends ask around

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