
Does anyone know how much children remember from 3-5 years old

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i want to know if any one has a website for statics on hum much you would remember if you were 10? would you remember from anything from 2-5 years old?




  1. I took a psychology class last semester on the cognitive mind and it's quite possible to remember things at a very very young age. I for one can remember things from before I was one years old.  But I can really remember a lot from 2 years of age and on. Kids are like sponges their brains are absorbing loads of information all the time.  The brain doesn't stop growing up until the age of 18 at least.

  2. I don't know of a website, but I do know from my own experience, so here it is:  I'm a lot older than 10, and I remember a LOT from when I was 3-5.  I remember some of the clothes I wore, the toys I played with, what my house and bedroom looked like, going to preschool...I even remember my teachers' names, and some of the things they said to me.  

    So yeah... if you're hoping a 3-5 year old won't remember something they've seen or heard, sorry, you're probably out of luck.  Because I can also tell you from the experience of having my own kids:  whatever you hope they WON'T remember will be the memory that sticks with them the longest!

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