
Does anyone know how much cigarette and alcohol allowance your allowed to bring home from salou, spain?

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Does anyone know how much cigarette and alcohol allowance your allowed to bring home from salou, spain?




  1. Theres no limit any more, as bith are in the EU. However, if you have alot and you get stopped you may be asked to prove it was for personal use.

  2. Both the UK and Spain are in the EU, so there is no limit on the amount of alcohol or cigarettes that you can bring back, as long as they are for your personal consumption!

  3. It seems generally accepted that 3200 cigarettes, 400 cigarillos, 200 cigars, 3kg tobacco, 10 litres of spirits, 110 litres of beer, 90 litres of wine and 20 litres of fortified wine are the figures that, if exceeded, you may be asked to explain your reasons etc.   However, even under this figure you may be required to prove they're for your own use.

    Being practical, it's quite possible to manage the cigarette/tobacco limits within your luggage allowance but unlikely that you would manage much alcohol without going into excess charges.    What does help in Spain, is to buy your spirits in plastic bottles, as they are considerably lighter.

    The official HM Customs directive is provided in the link below.

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