
Does anyone know how much is the gas price in CANADA?

by Guest66981  |  earlier

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Please answer if you really know.




  1. Whitehorse YT is running between $1.379 and $1.449/litre.

  2. in montreal it is 1.51/L

  3. The cheapest gas in Canada is in Alberta and there it was 1.20/l which is around 4.56/gallon.  If you are paying with American money it might be a little more depending on the value of the dollar when you get there.

  4. $1.31 in Toronto more in Montreal

  5. But wait. They use the metric system or the 'Imperial Gallon' that has 5 quarts in it instead of 4 ( like in the US) so you are getting more gas in Canada than the USA.

    So if gas in Canada is 4.56, and here it is 4.09, and they are getting more gas than US and paying more for it, if you do the correct math,

    we all pay the same amount of money for a gallon of gas.

  6. where i am its 1.32 a litre

  7. I live in Eastern Ontario, here today it was $1.35/L. But in Montreal today it was $1.50/L (ouch!). Ottawa was $1.28/L.

    Not sure about the other provinces. Usually theres sites you can find on the internet that will tell you what the gas price in each City is. :)

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