
Does anyone know how much money would be needed to start a new life in the UK?

by  |  earlier

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You know like what the costs would be and not just that but also what requirement would be needed if moving from USA to the UK. thanks




  1. no! TOny!!

    dont leave your precious cousin!

    take me with you!!... hahahha

    ok on to your questions:

    i dont really know the info on that..

    but i really hope your making the correct decision..

    remember.. family is FOREVER....

    ok im gonna star ur Q anyways, cuz its interesting....

    Good luck, cousin... and i hope this is just a temporary thing..


  2. audi do you get him to ask this for you,

    cost for you audi one ticket

    im sure i can think of someway you can pay the rent

    cost for senior bravo

    well it depends really how much you want it,

    house prices have rocketed recently,

    so renting good then do you want to live england

    that badly that you get rough area or room in someones house

    depends what you want

    you cant do most things if you really want it

    this is all my rough opinion



    need £3,000 deposit ????? depends what you go for

    to buy or less to rent

    £800 pm rent for a nice flat

    minimum wage is around that so you need a better job

    to cover bills that etc dont know the technical visa side

    worth seeing if it easier now as student then when you leave

    america's finance problems have hit us to

    food prices rising fuel etc...

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