
Does anyone know how much olive oil i should give my ferret and she is a little less than 6 months old.

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this in case of a hairball, its supossed help get the hairball out.




  1. this doesn't answer your question, but what do you give the ferret olive oil for?

  2. i would say like 5cc. but i am not sure.  

  3. Laxatone or vaseline is better at getting a hairball out.

    Olive oil is most beneficial to ferrets when mixed 1/2 with FerreTone. You can give them as much as you want, it won't do anything to them, but about a couple tsp. a week is good. :)  

  4. don't use laxatone of Vaseline for sure petroleum based products block the absorption of nutrients of food by sticking to the intestinal walls. Use 1 teaspoon. Here is a post I did on a thread about intestinal blockages. There are different things you can use to help. The name is weloveourweasels there as well

    Also despite what the forum creator said to use mineral oil  DO NOT use it it is the same as the laxatone (ferrelax) or Vaseline and blocks absorption of nutrients

    Farieanne the use of olive oil is for PREVENTION of hairball I would give no more than 2 times a week but you are right better to give extra virgin olive oil. Also right only needed to give during spring and fall shedding season

  5. You only need to give it to them if they have a hairball, a blockage, or it MIGHT help make a softer coat. About a tsp a week is enough. Usually only needed during shedding seasons in fall and spring. Make sure you give them extra virgin oliv oil.

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