
Does anyone know how one goes about joining a Red Cross or Peace Corp. Is age a factor?

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Does anyone know how one goes about joining a Red Cross or Peace Corp. Is age a factor?




  1. Brenda gave basically the same info... but google the names, you'll see that there are a couple groups to volunteer with under Red Cross and the Peace Corps.  Both are very worth while.  There are age restrictions.  I believe for international you must be at least 21 but that's how most international volunteer groups are set up.

  2. There is a difference between the American Red Cross and the International Red Cross.  Contact the local chapter in your city for information.  You may be able to do some volunteer work and learn what opportunities there are for you.  I would advise that you explore your reasons for wanting to join either organization because the commitment is great but rewarding.  I'm a disaster volunteer with the American Red Cross and get the opportunity to travel the country.  I wouldn't trade it for anything.  Good Luck!!

  3. go on line and look it up  not to sure on how young you can be but Miss Lily was in her seventy's when she joined

  4. For the Peace Corps, age really isn't a factor (Must be eighteen).  What they look at is your emotional development and  your education.  I served with someone who was twenty-two at the start of her service, and hadn't held a "real" job yet.  Though the only requirements for the Peace Corps are being eighteen and a U.S. Citizen, having a college degree and a strong mind go a long way.

  5. For the Peace Corps you have to be 18 in theory, over 22 in practice. The only Peace Corps Volunteers who got in at age 18 - 20 had helped on their family farms since age 6 or so and been standouts in their county 4-H / FFA.

    92% of all PCVs have a college degree. The other 8% have 10 - 50 years of experience. They have 80-year old volunteers; there is no upper limit.

    To be a PCV you need a skill that a host country has asked for. Most 18-year olds don't have one. (If you could take an outboard motor apart, clean it and tune it by age 14, spent 4 years as a mechanic after school and during the summers, and, more importantly, could TEACH others to do so, you could get in at age 18, probably.)

    Write if you are curious. I was a PCV many years ago. My daughter is one now.

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