
Does anyone know how??

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can u take care of semi-permanent hair color so that the color can last longer..

with hair color that is red=]

if you knoe any tips please let me knoe.thanx!




  1. A semi-permanent is designed to last only so many washes. The only way to keep the colour longer is not to wash it. Otherwise there is nothing you can do except use a permanent.

  2. sorry to say this but red fades the quickest... i had red before. use a colour protecting shampoo, and then let it dry naturally and try not to use too much heat styling. don't use scalding hot water to wash your hair use a luke warm... and once you use your conditioner use a quick blast of cold water to seal in the conditioner... for some reason it works well.... also be very gentle when washing your hair

  3. Use shampoo that is made for color-treated hair. Those always help to prolong hair color. But remember, since it is semi-permanent hairdye, it will fade away eventually.

  4. use pantene for red hair, it will make the color last longer and makes it shine and not look dull! Good Luck!
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