
Does anyone know how the titanic went down besides hitting an ice berg?

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Does anyone know how the titanic went down besides hitting an ice berg?




  1. a whate ate the bottom of it and it filled with water

  2. it got tired and sank

  3. um, it filled up with water!

  4. Well, let's see, they were traveling at too high a speed for the conditions (ice reported) they hit an ice berg, it cut a long vertical hole in the hull on the starboard side, below the waterline, the watertight bulk heads did not extend all the way to the top of the compartments so the water was able to build up high enough to spill over into the next compartment, then the next etc untill she was so heavy with water that she sank. That pretty much covers it.

  5. Well it didn't only sink because of the Icebergs, what happened was that the designer didn't design and build the Bulkheads (The things that water goes in if it gets hit by anything so it prevents it from sinking) high enough, leaving more room for first class rooms. After it hit, it started to tip, once it was high in the air, it snapped in half. That's what happened!

  6. Fast?

  7. The metal's ductile to brittle transition temperature was higher than what the water temperature was so the hull cracked and broke instead of bending.

    Plain english...they didn't have as good of quality of metal back then and it was really brittle.  The design was good and it would not have sunk if it had been made of modern steel.


  9. Tragically

  10. Well what everyone is saying pretty much sums it up. Other than the one thing people are failing to mention. People back then were telling everyone that God Himself could not sink this ship. Well guess what? God Showed them that He could. The moral to DONT ever provoke God, because he will show you otherwise.

  11. The berg ripped a very long gash open in the hull.

    The crew could not compartmentalize fast enough, which means close water tight doors so the water could not continue to flood other rooms thus filling the ship.

    It may have been able to stay above water if a perfect scenario was to have happened and all crew members were in place and ready to respond. That was not the case.

    The ship was overcome and she sank.

  12. when it hit the iceburg, it started flooding on one end.  that part started sinking, so that the other end was up in the air.  Then it broke in half and both halves sank.

  13. There was a structural defect in the metal.

  14. The key for the binoculars locker in the crows nest was not passed on by a crew member who left the ship a few days earlier....had the watchmen on duty had use of their binoculars rather than just their eyesight, the iceberg may have been seen much further in advance allowing the ship to be turned to avoid it. A simple locker key may have been instrumental in causing the sinking.

    The Titanic also had some problems with poor metallurgy in the hull that got brittle in very cold water which caused the metal to break or snap rather than deform and problems with the steering design which did not allow the ship to be manuevered quickly.

  15. watch the movie after the 1st 3 horriable hours the last 30 minutes show you.

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