
Does anyone know how this website "reads your mind"?

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0 LIKES UnLike, the site you see on How does it work? Thank you!




  1. Salam

    We are extending our brains using the computer.  That is how they sense what you type and how you type it,  since they cannot ever read your mind, they can read your words and also they have ways to finding out who you are and so they can easily generalize anything and have some truth to it and also some lies.  Anyone that can see without guidance from The Lord is a hypocrate and is talking to Al Jinn for knowledge.  They live 1000 years and they have studied us for long time I suggest you begin to study them.

    If you don't understand they are on every frequency we created then you have lost knowledge for yourself.

  2. Everytime its a multiple of 9. Its just one of those freaky math things i guess. Look at all the symbols for the multiples of 9 thats below 81...they're the same symbol.  Lol its hilarious how people are like "There a spyware on your computer where they see what your looking at." haha losers

  3. Is this the one where you keep picking a card, and it disappears?  That one drove me crazy for days. Hint, pick one card, then two, then three...they usually rely on you assuming certain things which are not true.

  4. 99-18=81


    all of the 90's=81.

    all of the 80's=72.

    all of the 70's=63

    all of the 60's=54






    Those are the only answers there are, the symbol for all of these is the same on the chart.  Each time you click to try again, the SYMBOL for the only correct answers changes.

  5. The easiest way to see how this trick works is to set up a spreadsheet.  For numbers 10 thru 19 the number minus the sum of the two digits that make it up will be 9; similarly:

    20 thru 29 the answer will be 18;

    30 thru 39 the answer will be 27

    40 thru 49 - 36;

    50 thru 59 - 45

    60 thru 69 -54

    70 thru 79 - 63

    80 thru 89 - 72

    90 thru 99 the answer will be 81.

    Now if you look at the table the numbers 9,18,27,36,45,54,63,72 and 81 all have the same symbol.

  6. just averages-like astrology

  7. its nothing magic about it or pshycic, its kind of like a game there is always a way to prove it wrong, but they way it goes about the game it makes it so its always right if you follow the directions

  8. There is nothing really special about this website. There are several others that are similar and use the same concept. This website uses math. For any number you pick you will only ever get a multiple of nine.

    99-90    81

    89-80    72

    79-70    63

    69-60    54


    Look at the symbols for every multiple of nine. You will find that they are the same. To prove that it really works for any number here's a trick instead of picking only one number try picking two. It will still works even if you pick more that one number.

  9. i think its great, but i havent played it enough to work out how it works....the link to it is below for anyone else interested

  10. I'm NOT sure but it sure is crazy, I jus went to it and did a couple times. I even tried to trick it but it jus did zero whever I didn't think of a #. That's seriously spooky dude, but its cool...I lyk it.

  11. It works because no matter which number you choose, you end up focusing on the flower symbol.

  12. IDK...but looks like there are some pretty smart people on here who do know.  I got a "forward" one time about something similar..A friend got it figured out that it always came back to certain symbols. Nothing"magic" about it...just gotta have a brain that knows how to figure these things out. I definitely DON'T have a brain like that!!!!

  13. it's easy. it just puts one symbol up a lot more than the others. and then it puts that one in the crystal ball.

  14. It's with math. There's a chance that you'll pick the wrong number, but the majority of the numbers will end up giving the symbol you pick.

  15. there is a pattern to the designs.  

    here is an example...

    if you choose 29, 2+0 = 2 and 20 - 2 = 18

    if you choose 21, 2+1 = 3 and 21 - 3 = 18

    if you choose 22, 2+2 = 4 and 22 - 4 = 18

    if you choose 23, 2+3 = 5 and 23 - 5 = 18

    starting to see a pattern?

    each of the numbers are matched to a certain design in a pattern.  there are certain numbers you will choose that will always turn up with the same design.  there are certain numbers you can never land on... like 41 for example.  so that can be a design that appears nowhere else on the board... the crystal will never show that design.  

    the crystal also shows designs according to pattern.  it's just a mind trick like a magic eye, a magician, or one of those pictures where the lines look curved, but they are really straight.

  16. the symbol that matches your number appears 13 or more times on the chart

    and the algorithm add numbers together and subtract the answer from the original .... must only give 13 solutions

    from 10 to 99

    because (there's nothing mystic in this world)

  17. No I do not

  18. It took me a while of being amazed for a few times, before I got it.  Each number you can pick has a certain symbol next to it.  and each symbol is calculated to appear next to each symbol you could possibly choose.  and I noticed that the symbols change next to the numbers with every screen that shows up.

    So your forced to come up with a number that will get you a certain symbol.  It's a pretty sweet trick

  19. I never saw it before you mentioned it here.  COOL.  I like a little mystery in the world, so I won't try to figure it out, but I bet a math teacher could.

  20. It doesn't it is an illusion like all other magic.

  21. Take any number at all, add the digits together and subtract that number from the original number.  This will always leave you with a multiple of 9 (up to 81).  Look at the chart.  The symbols next to 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63, 72 and 81 are all the same symbol.

  22. Hmm,

    Well, if you pay attention,

    a lot of the little picture things are repeated a lot,

    so those numbers maybe end up having the same answers?

    And also, the little picture things change each time you press' try again'

    So maybe it's some complicated math thing....?

    I'm not sure.

  23. I have not looked at it, but I am guessing it asks you to pick a card and it removes that card from the group.

    Actually, it changes all of the cards, so no matter what you pick it will be removed.

    Try writing down the cards you have to choose from, then go to the next section where it removes a card. You will see, none of the cards in the original group are in the second group.

  24. I know now , if you look at the symbols, there are more of one type that the other so it changes each time, it then picks one of the symbols which is shown the most, which is the most likely one that you will pick because there is more of them than any other symbol, because the most likely symobls that you pick the numbers will be multiples of nine and under 81.

    In a nutshell, every multiple of nine has the same symbol, and its most likely that you will pick it because what it tells you to do always adds up to a multiple of nine.

    Hope this helps!:)

  25. It works because the symbols you see will always be the same one.   Meaning every number has the same answer.  Try doing several numbers before you click the crystal ball...all have the same answer.

  26. " no but i can make an educated guess"

  27. it doesnt matter wich number u choose, it will always be the same symbol

    it will always be a multiple of 9

    try it if you dont believe it

  28. it doesn't work, it is random, it might have some sort of spyware that looks at your cookies to see what you tend to look at

  29. IDK GOOD question...........

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