
Does anyone know how to be a volunteer in a nursing home?

by Guest59136  |  earlier

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I live in Milwaukee, WI, and I've been thinking about volunteering in a nursing home on the weekends, but I have no idea as to how to go about becoming one. Do you need to go to the nursing home and fill out an application or something? Can you just call and say you want to volunteer? Please help me out if you know anything.




  1. most places require you to fill out papers you know so they can make sure you are a safe person......just find a local one go in and ask!! I hope this it takes a special person to do that props to you!

  2. Depends on your location.   In some states you can contact the Department of Health, and get referred to an agency that manages volunteers at nursing homes.  In other states, you may indeed need to apply directly to the nursing home.

    In Texas, there was an agency that was in charge of training volunteers for such activities.

    I suggest in Wisconsin, that you call a nursing home direct and inquire about where they get their volunteers, and the local need for training.

    Good luck.  It's a rewarding activity and access to a wealth of knowledge.  Also, be aware it leads to emotional highs and lows.   You get attached, and one day your favorite is no longer there.  

    It's a good place for young people to learn about life.

  3. I did this for 2 years. I just called them and told them I was a high school student looking to Volunteer and wanted to know if they needed anyone for games or anything and they did! They have me come in for 2 hours once a week and I called Bingo #'s and helped with games and just walked around while they played and talked to them. Just call, they'd LOVE to have help.

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