
Does anyone know how to do a Family tree?

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I'm interested in doing my husband side and don't know how to do it.




  1. check they have family trees on there , thats how i made mine it's really helpfull but it's horizontal not vertical.

  2. Similar questions are asked on here about 10 times every single day.  Just look at previously resolved genealogy quesitons on family trees for your answers.

  3. I'm not sure if you're asking 'literally' about drawing the family tree or if you mean how do you research his family history, so I'll give short answers to both.

    If you're literally just wanting to draw his tree, you can download a blank template like this one or go a little fancier like this one .

    If you mean how do you do the research, then this is a pretty good site:

    I don't mean anything at all insulting by this but I would recommend that you pick up the COMPLETE IDIOT'S GUIDE TO GENEALOGY (or GENEALOGY FOR DUMMIES) from a library or bookstore (about $20 each, but most public libraries would have them) as they're also good basic starter guides.   Depending on how far back you want to go it can take minutes or "however much time you got" ;).

    Good luck.

  4. I would start with him and go backwards. If he has family still living then they can answer any questions that you may have as to who preceded him. Above him would be his parents, then above them would be his grandparents on both sides. Don't forget his siblings along with both his parents siblings and both his grandparents siblings. Good mother did that for her family and ended up going back to 1703. It was interesting read!

  5. if you go to your local library they may have a geaneology dept. this is a great start on your trip through time. they can really help.

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