
Does anyone know how to draw psi energy from the earth?

by  |  earlier

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does any1 kno how to draw psi energy from the earth? xD




  1. Yes. You must find a comfortable place such as a chair, bed, ect. i do not reccomend laying down beginners almost always loose focus. i is easier to consontrate in darkness or candle light. close  your eyes and visulize a shere around you. (i always visulize it green for some reason) it does not matter what color is is or what it lookes like. make sure there are no holes, (eyes still closed) then continue to visulize it but make it thicker. visulize it transparent on the out side and solid on the inside. this will allow energy to come in but cant come out. as you inhale you draw the energy into the sphere and when you exhale you send out energy but it bounces back into you. i have done it many times and it works. if you would prefer more ways ask another question like it and i will try to find and answer it.

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