
Does anyone know how to edit photos so some of the picture is black and white and the other parts are normal?

by  |  earlier

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Does anyone know how to edit photos so some of the picture is black and white and the other parts are normal?




  1. download picasa and there is some editing thing on there called like focal black and white or something.

    hope it helps! :)

  2. try  i had them do the same thing for me, and it was like $8, cheap.

  3. Yeah I do and I'd be more than willing to help you edit some pictures if you'd like.

    Just email me!


  4. Yes, but I only know how to do it in my program called PaintShop Pro.

    Here's how I do it there, if you have the program just follow the instructions....  but the idea is pretty much the same for any program, you use.

    1. In your photo program, open you color photo.

    2. Make a copy of your color photo.

    3. Change your copy to black & white.

    4. Copy and paste your black & white photo ON TOP OF your color photo. (You can close your copy now, and you should only see your original photo in black & white)

    5. Using your eraser tool, erase the parts you want to see color in.

    6. Save your finished product. (Be sure to give it a NEW name, so you don't erase your original.)

    I hope this helps!

  5. photoshop

    or another photo editing program

    you mess with the saturation and exposure

  6. You must open it in an editing program that can do layers such as Photoshop or Gimp. You create a B&W overlay and then erase all the parts you want to be in color.


  7. in photshop It's all in the layers. Create a layer from the background. Go to effects and turn that layer black and white. Then Choose your eraser and erase the part that you want colored. You are actually erasing the black and white layer in parts and the color layer below is showing through.

    hope this helps!! ^_^


    if you want you can email me the pic and ill do it for you ^_^

    just go to my profile and send me a message

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