
Does anyone know how to find information about a radio broadcaster from the late 1970's?

by  |  earlier

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I'm looking to find information about a man named Brian Rose Emily that worked as a radio DJ in the late 1970's. I don't know what station he worked for, but I think it was out of the Madison, WI area. Any ideas?




  1. I recomend you search in the area that you know information about. IE Date, NAme,LOcations Ect..

    you might post on fourms in the area.

    Wikipidia comes to mind but that ify at best.,

  2. google. you can find anything on google.

  3. go to radio-info dot com and then go to the board that deals with that region.  post your question there and everyone will answer your question in half a day and you'll have all the information about him that you can handle.

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