
Does anyone know how to find out what happened to a horse that got pulled up at a race?

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I have seen it happen several times recently while watching racing on my computer.They never say how bad it is and I rarely see these horses mentioned in the news because they are not famous.I would just like to know how to find out their status. Thanks!!




  1. it might take a couple of hours for it to get onto the internet

    but if its a fall u just type in the horses name

    or the name of the race

    u can do the same if they are pulled up

    but if they brake into a gallop in harness racing it will not be on the internet because alot of horses brake

  2. that information is rarely given to the betting fan, if a jockey

    feels a horse is not running correctly he will pull the horse up

    and most of the time, the barn's vet will check the horse, there

    is a state vet at the starting gate of each race, and he looks, at each horse before they are put into the gate......

  3. Certainly in all the race results here in GB and Ireland, they will give as much info in the race report as possible.

    Usually the comments in running will say something like "Pulled up 3 out, lame" or in the worst possible cases "Pulled up, dismounted, dead".

    The race write up the following day will have information, provided the problem was known before it went to print.

  4. Most likely you wont you'll have to remember the trainers name and the owners then you might get in touch w/them

    Now if the race track is close to you ,,,,,,,you can go in the mornings for the work outs and find out who's who and when you find that trainer he MIGHT TELL YOU

    MOST likely he will not since it is not any of your business


    get to know people on the track to find out more

  5. Do a search on the name of the horse at either  ,  or

  6. You can post a question on the appropriate board here:

    A lot of the members work/spend time at various tracks across the country (or just know connections at the tracks) and can figure it out for you.

  7. I saw a horse brake down at Belmont a few weeks ago, and as usual, the announcer didn't even mention it. I sent e-mails to both the track and NYRA trying to get info on the horse - such as how badly he was hurt and what was the prognosis, but received no replies.

    When a horse breaks down it must be reported in the vet's daily report, but good luck getting any of this info unless it's a "big name" horse. The strategy seems to be that if they make believe nothing happened, the public will fall for it.

    It's obscene that after I saw a horse get seriously injured, neither the track nor NYRA will even let me know if the horse is still alive.

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