
Does anyone know how to find out who a person is solely based on their AIM screen name?

by  |  earlier

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there is somebody threatening to kill my girlfriend and i would like to know who it is so i can just be aware of it and then eventually get some outside force involved if it happens again. all i want to do is ensure my girlfriends safety because i cannot be having this. can you help me?




  1. You should definitely see the cops if it happens again. Any form of death threats is illegal and you should NEVER let that person get away with it. Just make sure all your doors are locked at night and stay close to your girlfriend often. It is most likely a hoax, joke or random message, but that is no reason not to be safe. On the news there have been reports of automatic text message senders, which often include death threats or ask for money. If you recieved this on a mobile/cell phone, that is a possibility. Try looking up their screen name on the web for clues. They might have joined a forum/website on some sort with the same name and left a clue.

    Remember, be cool and stay safe.

  2. Report the threat to the police. What you are asking can be done, but it's only going to be done by the proper authorities. Law enforcement would be able to track their computer's IP address, either by contacting AOL or otherwise, and then contact the user's internet service provider to connect that IP address to an actual name.

    Hope this situation turns out safely for your girlfriend and you.

  3. Turn this over to the police. In fact she must do it because she is the one with the complaint.

    Give them all the info and they will get the court order to get AOL to release the info to track the person down.

    If the local police cannot help go to county then state to get assistance.

    Make sure you document and take copies of all the threats with you.

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