
Does anyone know how to find special teachers for developmentally delayed/autistic children? In Milwaukee?

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Our little boy is just turning 2 and despite our best efforts, and the efforts of the state-run "early intervention" program he is not getting a lot better. He is developmentally at about 12-15 months and we are at a loss for what to do next. If anyone has any ideas we would be eternally grateful. Thanks!!




  1. I am afraid that the media hype with movie stars having 'cures' for their children and a lot of very expensive private therapy groups have left many with the expectation that if only I do one more thing - or this one thing my child will be cured or better.

    At the age your child is now - in home support from your school district early childhood special education is likely the best - typically they will teach you how to teach your child.  A child that is 24 months and developmentally about 12-15 months is not too far off target.  When he is 3 - there will be different programs that he would likely spend part of his day in an intensive program in a school setting.  

    Until there is some language or communication acquisition - it is impossible to say how severely your child is impared.  

    You do need to connect with some Autism support groups though try  they should be able to connect you to other parents.

    Autism is 24/7

    Autism is forever - the only thing that can change is how a person learns to work around their deficits and manage their needs and behaviors.

    Any group who tells you that it can be 'cured' I put in the same category as snake oil salesmen.  What you CAN do is develop strategies and help support your child on this journey.

  2. Im sorry I cant speak for WI specifically...but I just wanted to reassure you that as long as u are doing everything you can..and he IS receiving some services you will eventually start seeing some improvements. He is still very very young and these guys take some extra time but by about 5 you'll probably look back and see trememdous gains. Best of luck to you..I know how hard it is to be where you are. Join your local autism support group and they can give you local information.

  3. Early intervention isn't a fix or a cure. Not all children will be able to 'catch up'. In some cases the early intervention is only able to make limited progress.   It may be that he isn't getting appropriate services.  But, it may also be that the therapies are bringing out his potential.

    If you want to try additional services on your own-try posting an ad on or your local paper.

    Be realistic about the possibilities, but also hope for the best.  Be prepared to deal with life long delays, but don't impose limittaions on your child as it is too soon to tell what he will be able to do as an adult.

    also try this website

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