
Does anyone know how to get a cat to use a Petmate Water Fountain?

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I purchased a Petmate Water Fountain for my cat. She refuses to use it. I've looked all over the net for an answer in how to fix this. All I've found are testimonials in how much their cats love it. My friend is having the same problem with her cat and the fountain. Does anyone have any ideas? I'd hate to get rid of it. Thanks.




  1. You can't make a cat do anything.  I have one and my cat used it right away.  For you, it's just not her thing.  I'd see if you can find someone to give it to. Sorry.  Cats can be picky.

  2. Not all cats like the effect of running water, as was the case with one of my cats.

    Initially, I left a second bowl of standing fresh water next to the petmate fountain for about a week, just so she could get used to having the fountain running while she drank.  It seemed that she was just a bit of a 'fraidy cat when it came to the running water!  Eventually, I was able to do away with the second bowl all together. Now she drinks from the fountain exclusively

    Alternatively, you could initially set up the fountain without turning it on for awhile so your cat could get used to having it around.   Just make sure you clean it out as you would a regular bowl, as the water tends to get a bit yucky.

  3. One thing I've noticed is that some cats prefer to drink from running water like faucets.  One of our cats will wait for you to turn on the faucet if you go to the bathroom so she can get a drink.  If your cats don't have this inclination naturally than you may have some work.

    Leave the fountain out and don't provide any other natural sources of water, in most cases, thrist will eventually win out. But if its still not drinking after a couple days put the bowl back but next to the fountain to try and get the cat more accoustomed to it. Cats are creatures of habit and it sometimes takes them a bit longer to warm up to new things before they realize how great it is.

  4. there are several reasons:

         The cats may be allergic to the plastic mine was.

         They may smell chemicals coming off the plastic that will go away.

          The fountain may have some other smell they don't like that can    be cleaned with a mild soap and water.

          They may just be afraid and need time to get accustomed to the idea

  5. My cats love it!!! At first they were skeptical but I kept it running and left the room and that night they were hooked.  

    Just ignore the fountain. The cats will eventually become curious.

    What is that saying..... :)

  6. Leaving the old water bowl nearby may give your cat the idea that this is a safe thing, not a scary, horrible, water moving, potentially cat eating piece of equipment. Some cats are so suspicious of new things :) Give her time to come around to it. I don't have one myself but I've looked at them many times I just think the dogs would drive the cats away because they would want it more!  

  7. Some cats just don't like fountains or moving water.  Let the cat get used to it without your interference for a day.  If the cat is not using it (you may not know if your cat is using it or not).  But, if you are positive it is not drinking from it, put the old water bowl back - but beside the fountain, so he/she can get used to the sound.  Every few days remove the old bowl and see if the cat starts to use the fountain.  If this doesn't work after a week - put it up for sale on craigslist - not everything we want our pets to use works for them. Good luck

  8. My cats wouldn't even go near it when I bought it and now they won't drink out of bowls! They just love it. Took them a while to like it though. Just let it out and I'm sure she will learn to love it. Good luck!

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