
Does anyone know how to get involved doing charity work?

by Guest60598  |  earlier

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i want to get involved with charity work but dont know how




  1. Easy...  Just search online, there are lots of smaller places that love recieving volunteers, ok, some of the bigger ones want a chunk of money off you, but there's lots of independant who just need someone who's ging to work hard and give their best.  We're based in Goa, so to find us just search for Charity Goa, If you're in the US then search Charity Boston - I'm sure you get the jist...

    Drop them an email, or fill out the form and see when they can fit you in...  Simple as that.  It can also help if you have a particular skill set that would be useful - eg doctor, builder etc I'm sure would be very useful..



  2. It probably depends on the type of charity or volunteer work you want to do.  I would say you should figure out a few organisations that you’d like to volunteer for and check them out on the web.  Generally they’ll all love to hear from you! NGOs and charities always love to having people helping them out.

    At World Vision Australia, we have around 4000 volunteers ranging from people who work at our national office, youth volunteers and corporate volunteers.  Volunteering for World Vision is a very rewarding experience, you get to see the organisation in action and meet all the great people that work there.

    You can visit for more details.

  3. You can go to some shelters and help prepare food or help clean the  homeless people

  4. Contact your local chamber of commerce, they will be very helpful.

    Do you know what kind of charity you want to help?  I would first write a list of the tasks you will be willing to do within your time and/or monetary limits.  This should help narrow down the charity.  If you like animals, consider helping at a shelter.  Food pantries also need help.  Hospitals also have charities, contact them as well.

    Good Luck

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